Sololearn Review: A great platform to learn programming for free.

If you are interested in pursuing a career in programming, there are many free online resources available that can help you learn programming at no cost. Sololearn is one such resource, offering both a website and mobile app version of its platform.

What is Sololearn?

Sololearn is a platform that provides a range of programming courses and lessons for people interested in learning how to code. There are several benefits to using Sololearn, but there are also some drawbacks to keep in mind.


  1. Variety of courses: Sololearn offers a variety of courses in different programming languages, including Python, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and more. This allows users to choose the language they are most interested in learning and start their coding journey.
  2. Learning is free: Courses offered on Sololearn are free to access but a couple of features that can make learning easier and better requires the pro subscription.
  3. Gamified Learning: Sololearn uses a gamified approach to learning that makes it more interactive and engaging. It offers challenges, quizzes, and a leaderboard to keep learners motivated and track their progress.
  4. Active Community: Sololearn has a large and active community of learners who are always willing to help and support each other. This community offers a wealth of knowledge and resources for those who are struggling with a particular concept or problem.
  5. User-friendly Interface: The Sololearn platform is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it easy for beginners to get started with coding.
  6. Accessibility: Sololearn is available on both desktop and mobile platforms, making it accessible to users on the go.


  1. Limited depth: While Sololearn covers a variety of programming languages, the courses are designed for beginners and intermediate-level coders. Advanced developers may find the content too basic.
  2. Limited Hands-on Experience: Sololearn offers coding challenges, but it lacks the opportunity for learners to work on real-world projects that require significant coding knowledge.
  3. Incomplete Lessons: Some users have reported that the lessons on Sololearn can be incomplete or leave out important information that is necessary to fully understand a particular concept.
  4. Lack of Interaction: While the community on Sololearn is active and supportive, it lacks the interactive element of a live classroom setting. This can make it more challenging for learners to get feedback on their work and fully understand complex concepts.

In conclusion, Sololearn is a useful resource for beginners and intermediate-level coders looking to learn how to code. The platform’s gamified approach, active community, and user-friendly interface make it an attractive option for those starting their coding journey. However, advanced developers may find the content too basic, and the lack of hands-on experience and incomplete lessons may be a drawback for some learners.

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